Web portal for energy efficiency monitoring

July 11, 2014 - Words by XLAB

July 11, 2014
Words by XLAB

The consortium of partners INEA, XLAB and Domel successfully completed the

research and development stages within the project SPEU, which resulted in a

Web Portal for Energy Efficiency Monitoring.

Project SPEU is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport to stimulate research and development of e-services projects (2012-2014). The result – Web Portal for Energy Efficiency Monitoring – effectively combines the advantages of cloud computing, web and application technologies for monitoring the use of various energy sources and analysis of energy consumption using a set of criteria for energy efficiency in industry.

The following objectives have been developed and implemented with success;

*designing the system architecture to monitor energy efficiency

*deployment of the hardware sensors and application software on client’s and provider’s side

*definition of technical and economic indicators used as evaluation criteria for self-assessment or comparison among the portal users based on average value

The SPEU Web Portal has been brought to the pilot operational phase and offers an end-to-end system management; from signal acquisition, real-time monitoring of use to energy efficiency investment evaluations.

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