Digital business is fast becoming the only way to do business. Yet evidence shows that too many small- and medium-sized businesses are not considering the impact that a successful cyber attack could have on their business. And many SMEs fail to take adequate steps towards achieving a strong security posture.
The impact of a cyber breach can be huge and long lasting. Business that have already have experienced a breach have said the attack led to brand damage, loss of customers, and a reduced ability to win new business. Studies in the UK, for example, estimate that the annual cost to a small company could be as high as €6000.
CyberWISER Light is a free, new service to build resilience against growing cyber risks, within and outside the company. CyberWISER Light significantly lowers the entry barrier to effective risk management especially for the many small firms that don’t have time, money or IT savvy staff.
CyberWISER Light enables firms to put into practice top advice from small business associations and information security experts: from carrying out regular security risk assessments to conducting regular penetration testing to understand the implications of not protecting PII (Personally Identifiable Information), other sensitive data and intellectual property.
With CyberWISER Light, cyber risk management becomes a central part of the business process. “For small companies like WinMedical this is an important opportunity to assess our cyber risks and take adequate steps to minimise the potential impact on our company”, says Emanuele Angione, WinMedical s.r.l., one of the organisations selected for an early trial of CyberWISER Light.
The advanced features of CyberWISER Light are designed to be easy to use. While developed with SMEs in mind, the service gives organisations of any size a first, high-level view of their cyber risk exposure with minimum investments in time and human resources.
Users of the service can also opt to take a vulnerability test to understand what, if any, real vulnerabilities are on your web server or infrastructure any time, anywhere. Companies conducting the vulnerability test will get an estimate of the risk impact on their business – a crucial step towards getting smart about cyber security.
Worldwide distributor of electrical supplies firm, REXEL, is another early adopter of CyberWISER Light. “The cyber risk management functionality that WISER delivers provides an additional layer of security management and decision making capabilities currently not available, which will provide value to our business in the evolving energy products and services sector”, says Roberto Mannella, Chief Information Security Officer at REXEL. This Paris-headquartered company will also be at the forefront of trailing the full suite of WISER services, which will be rolled out before spring 2017.
How to get started: https://www.cyberwiser.eu/how-get-started-using-cyberwiser-light
WISER is a European H2020 innovation action that puts cyber-risk management at the very heart of good business practice, benefitting multiple industries. By 2017 WISER will provide a cyber-risk management framework to assess, monitor and mitigate the risks in real time: a pre-packaged risk management solution for SMEs, and a Risk Management Platform as a Service (RMPaaS) mode of operation for critical infrastructures or highly complex cyber systems requiring the implementation of special controls within the ICT system.
www.cyberwiser.eu | @cyberwiser | https://it.linkedin.com/in/cyber-wiser-04b382113
WISER Media Contacts
Stephanie Parker, [email protected]
Niccolò Zazzeri, [email protected]
[email protected]