How to manage a challenging year? With more challenges, of course! Well, some are more enjoyable than others. Our xChallenges are really fun because they bring us closer to our brand, values, and each other.
Among all other things we were left without this year, 2020 also deprived us of our yearly group photoshoot. But did we let that stop us? Of course not! As redefining the box is one of our core values, we rolled up our sleeves and turned it into an xChallenge. We asked our coworkers to organize a photo shoot at - yes, you’ve guessed it, the most popular location of 2020 - home. As always, the results were beyond expectations. We created a playful collage, showing we can stay connected in these remote times.

To commemorate a different year, we made a different group photo.
And in the true XLAB spirit, some results were really special. Our Jolanda and Matic took things to a whole other level and created some photoshop magic.

Who says you can’t have fun with your colleagues when working from home? 😉
But that’s just the cherry on top of our 2020 xChallenges. The first one, our traditional masquerade, we were luckily still able to organize at the offices – which we turned into an Olympic Village! Because yes, another in line of things we were left without this year were the Olympic games. As proud partners of the Slovenian house, we were looking forward to being a part of them so much we decided to warm up at the masquerade. But no worries, the Olympic games will happen next year (fingers crossed!) and until then – we’ll always have our Olympic village 😊

We’re big fans of masquerade and make it special every year.
Soon after that, we started working from home, but that didn’t make us stop with xChallenges. We decided to work out together. Every Friday we organized a remote workout session, full of fun exercises and upbeat music. It was such a team spirit and energy boost – and it kept our kiddos entertained!

xChallenge: Work(Out) From Home was a fun way to ‘hang’ with our colleagues – and stay in shape during the quarantine.
All in all, we had a lot of fun and through these events stayed connected to each other even though working apart. Looking forward to all the challenges and xChallenges the new year brings! 🤘