#XLAB20years: Together, we’re powerful

November 3, 2021 - Words by Lucija Korbar

November 3, 2021
Words by Lucija Korbar

Along the way, we have met many outstanding companies and individuals who have somehow shaped our journey and we consider ourselves very fortunate to call them our partners today. Together we have completed numerous projects, solved various problems, written several articles and developed different solutions, but most importantly we have built long-term relationships based on trust. We believe that together we can achieve more. Together - we’re powerful. And without the valuable contribution of our partners, we would certainly not be where we are today.

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year, we asked them to share their thoughts on our collaboration. See what they had to say.


“Passion of kids”

One of the first companies we worked with was OceanBridge, a software and IT services company based in Japan. Back in 2005, our ISL Online team was considering which market to focus on next with remote desktop solution. At the time, other European software companies were mainly targeting the US market, but we obviously wanted to stand out and do something different (because, you know - redefining the box 😉). And we went to Japan, where everything was completely different from what we were used to. Slowly we got to know the culture, the people and the business world. It took three years and one good karaoke night before we started our collaboration, which successfully continues to this day. They’ve had the opportunity to watch us grow almost from our beginnings. “Congratulations on being 20 years old, happy birthday! You’re a great company, you became a great company, and you’re adults. I know you’re adults but in your mind, you have the energy of a kid. Power of kids. Passion of kids. You’re a great company and a powerful one. ” says Akira Nakada, CEO of OceanBridge Inc.


Reliability, support and technical expertise

Why do our partners like to work with us? What are the qualities they value most? And what makes our collaboration so enjoyable?

Our active involvement in European research projects gives us the opportunity to work with the best research institutions, computer centres and companies in Europe. “Through the years, our work together has always been fruitful and full of intense exchange of ideas. We have been able to support each other and to complement our skills in a constructive manner. This is witnessed by the funding we have obtained for our projects, by the research results we have developed and by the papers we have published,” says Elisabetta Di Nitto, Professor at Politecnico di Milano. She appreciates the expertise of the entire team and our ability to create a pleasant environment for collaboration.

Ian Evans, CTO and co-founder of Metify, highlights humility, honesty and integrity of our team, which in his words is something that is increasingly hard to find. “Second thing I find the most appealing is the level of expertise that the team brings into the daily work.” He believes this is unmatched in the industry. “I really appreciate the fact that the team always has the customer’s best interest in mind and is always willing to work the extra mile to get things done. Everybody is always willing to share information and communication is always clear,” he adds. With Metify, we work on Mojo Platform, an award-winning infrastructure and operations tool, transforming bare metal resources into a public cloud-like experience. “I want to thank you for all the hard work and your contribution to a very successful product.”

“Thanks a lot for all the support and reliability over the years. Thanks a lot for being a good partner, and partner which even supports and works together with us on short notice, that is not common in our field,” says Bastian Koller, Manager and Deputy Director at HLRS. He adds that we share a common mindset to achieve things that are good and valuable, we do not just work because we have to. We always strive for greatness.

Our Slovenian partners from the Ministry of Public Administration appreciate our goal-oriented attitude and our willingness to help them solve any problems arising during the development of the OPSI portal. They also find us innovative and always ready to help a partner in trouble.

We are guided by honesty and respect when working with each other and with our partners. When it comes to communication and collaboration, integrity is our way. And we are very happy that our partners can feel that.


Wishes for the future?

And what do they wish us for the future?

“I hope we can do a lot of nice and valuable things in the future. You should stay as you are. Reliability is most important, openness, sometimes a bit of craziness which is very important as well. So, let’s see what we can achieve together in the next years, I’m looking forward to working with you.” says Bastian Koller.

“I wish everyone to continue working with the usual competence and happiness. And I think one of your strengths is really this happiness and the fact you have been able to build pleasant social environment that gives to everyone to each team member the possibility to offer the best contribution. So, continue in this direction!” says Elisabetta Di Nitto.

“Thank you for your proactive attitude, thank you for your enthusiasm and please continue with the same vitality!” concludes Rodrigo Diaz, Head of Cybersecurity Unit at ATOS.


Dear partners, thank you for your trust, excellence and inspiring collaboration. Thank you for being an important piece of our puzzle. We look forward to all the exciting projects the future holds.